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When I First Started Podcasting I Thought I'd Do This

When I first started podcasting in 2017 I talked about emotional encouragement. So I thought I wanted to be a life coach. Two women I worked with kept calling me a business coach & I started to become offended by it because I thought I really wanted to be a life coach…so I thought.

Overtime I did become a business coach (ie, speaking coach). It happened organically as I continued to show up.

I’m glad I showed up.

Showing up lead to my podcasts (I created 4 podcasts to date, but only use this one). If I didn't start encouraging women through my blog, I don't think I would be podcasting right now. One of the great things I love about podcasting is that although it can sometimes be time consuming, it's relatively easy & affordable to start. With just a microphone & recording software, you can start recording & sharing your message with the world.

There are also numerous platforms where you can host & distribute your podcast, making it easy for people to find and listen to your episodes.

So if you have a message you are passionate about & want to reach a larger audience, consider starting a podcast. You can indeed do it if you are ready to do what God said and not worry about what people say who may try to discourage you from going for it.

You can extend your stage message & make a lasting impact on listeners around the world.

If you need help getting started or simply starting again, I can meet with you each month to go to the next level with my 1:1 monthly coaching.

152. Dont Let the Fear of Public Speaking Stop You with Donna Sharon and Janice
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