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Women of Movement is happy to support the
Victorious Golgotha Mission School
in Kakamega, Kenya, East Africa.

"There are an abundance of children without parents due to Aids, ailments, parent’s dying, etc.  Without the needed resources people die from their illnesses. These deaths leave behind babies/children that are taken in by strangers, families and some left to fend for themselves. Thus, Victorious Golgotha Church had a vision to build an orphanage. Funds were not in place for that, thus the start of the Victorious Golgotha Mission School was opened. With encouragement and financial resources from Living Word, the school opened in 2013.
The Pastor of the church, David Obulutsa, and family walked through the village seeking out children that would never have the opportunity to learn and go to school. This excited us and Living Word made its first mission trip there in Fall 2015. At this time there were about 90 students. During out time there we surveyed the land and purchased needed items to include pots, plates, cups, school teaching materials. Per their request, we held leadership conference, children’s conference and Vacation Bible School.  God has been blessing immensely and there are currently over 350 students.
The children attend from morning to late afternoon. They receive teaching for their grade level and meals.  There are two full-time teachers and several volunteers assisting with this effort from the local villages. Volunteers get a small stipend at end of each term.  Living Word International Outreach Ministry is excited to be a part of this great work.
The school has a great need for supplies and resources. We are soliciting your support through financial donations to help in this effort. Every dollar does count, so don't think you have to give much to help those in need.  (Items cannot be sent into country due to the expensive shipping cost and logistics.)"
Dr. Annette West, Mission Organizer

152. Dont Let the Fear of Public Speaking Stop You with Donna Sharon and Janice
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