My Movement
"If you can just get a picture of it,
you can be what you see in the picture."
Sharon Shannon

I started In Sharon’s Heart in 2013 through a blog. Women of Movement and Respect the Teachers came some time after. It all started, because I wanted to let women know what was in my heart each day. I figured if I was feeling, thinking, and sensing certain things, then they may have been too, and could be encouraged by my testimony. Thus, speaking of the things God has placed in my heart. It's a place inspired and guided by the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s about achieving the vision God has for all of us through prayer, faith, and movement (works).
At one time I had very little faith and didn't see what God had for me. What does that mean? Well, although I was achieving worldly (opposed to spiritual) endeavors, something was missing. You see, I didn’t really believe the vision God had for my life. I thought I did, but the reality is my actions told another story. I functioned in the daytime like a robot, but I was a mess at night--sad and down in the dumps. I would wallow in my grief at the pain of the many opportunities I missed and the poor decisions I made. So at night when I laid my head on that pillow I was a total wreck giving all my thoughts and pain to the enemy instead of to God. And as soon as morning came I started the robot-show again acting like the "happy-go-lucky" Sharon. I wasted so much time on the things that happened in my past and the things I couldn't change, that I didn't live ON purpose or IN my purpose. The vision God placed in my heart was cloudy.
Then one day I asked myself how I could sort out my thoughts; sort out my heart; and how I could help others. That’s how In Sharon’s Heart came to be–my heart to your heart. I finally got out of that dumpy slump when I started serving others. Today I am reminded that through my testimony, I operate in faith and confidence. Today I’m living by faith and not by sight. But it’s about more than faith…

...it's also about the movement. Yes, when I got a revelation of who God said I was, I started to do the work. I started looking at vision — the vision God wanted me to move on. I started looking at myself, I forgave myself, I forgave others, I asked people to forgive me, and I spent time with God. It was just He and I for a few years–yep years. And what I started noticing was that He was leading me to higher ground spiritually. And in the natural I started moving – really moving.
Movement meant I finally start intense focus in the work I was doing. I became more intentional. I worked hard and smart to make great things happen, then great started to happen. It was as simple as that. Additionally, I was reminded that by reading God's miraculous word, that victory and success was about staying the course -- staying consistent, and letting no person, place, or thing get in my way. I was no longer distracted by things that didn't matter.
I also knew obstacles would come, yet I was undeterred. I just continued to do what I was supposed to do in the natural and God did what He needed to do in the spiritual. I was and am never disappointed. Movement is in my DNA. It always was and it's in yours too. Do you believe it? Believe it. The vision for your life is a yes and an amen, so keep moving.
My Movement

"I refuse to give up simply because of that mountain.
God said with faith, I can conquer any mountain."
Click for Sharon's Bio

God has more for your life.
Download your FREE copy of
Vision for My Life PDF
Writing and/or journal helps you recognize your own feelings. Focus on your future and write the great things you see God doing in your life. Download and after you open the *fillable, write as many details as possible regarding the positive things you see yourself doing. You can indeed do them. It starts with positive visualization, reflection, and writing.
Habakkuk 2:2 says when the vision is written, God will honor it. What plan does God have for your life? Reflect. Write.
*Free automatic fillable you can fill-in online without having to print.
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